Cardiovascular Health
The health of the heart and blood vessels.
The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, the blood, and the blood vessels (arteries, and veins). At the center lies the muscular heart which is a pumping engine, powering the transport of life-giving blood around the body. Blood carries oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells to every part of the body via arterial vessels, and carries away waste via the veins. Blood also transports hormones, antibodies, and cells that fight infection. Adults have approximately 11 pints (5 liters) of blood, which consist of specialized cells suspended in plasma.
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood against the interior walls of the arteries. Plaque and build-up against the arterial wall decrease the elasticity of the wall, making the blood have to push harder against it to try to stretch it, and this increases blood pressure known as Hypertension. Stress, smoking, heightened emotions and strenuous exercise are all risk factors. We recommend avoiding alcohol, smoking, and even coffee if there is a lot of risk involved. Walking is good exercise. Staying hydrated. Increase fiber with fruits, vegetables (like celery), beans and whole grains. Asparagus is a great diuretic. One can keep salt in diet, but a good refined sea salt, not tradition table salt. Full blood lipid panel will show us total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL cholesterol, and will look at triglycerides. We can also look at inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein), insulin levels, homocysteine levels.
Arteriosclerosis is a hardening of the arterial wall that results in plaque that obstructs the artery, thereby diminishing the blood flow and oxygen to the area supplied by that artery. For symptoms to occur, that artery has to be 90% obstructed. Most common affected areas are the heart resulting in coronary artery disease (CAD), the brain resulting in a Stroke, the leg resulting in Peripheral Vascular Disease (PAD). One can possible suffer from chest pain, shortness of breath (SOB), sudden weakness, confusion, issues with sleep, paralysis, or inability to move.
We will recommend small meals, then more frequent meal, increase Omega-3 fats (salmon, sardines, flax, walnuts), eliminate gluten, sugar, dairy, foods rich in Vitamin C – Incan berries, cherries, oranges, grapefruit, brussels sprouts, red bell peppers. Spices would include garlic, turmeric, ginger. Get started with a healthy and sustainable weight loss. Reduce stress by meditation, yoga, breathing exercise. Stop smoking and avoid second hand smoke.
Functional testing can include C-reactive protein to view levels of internal inflammation, fasting insulin, fasting glucose, and A1C, full iron panel including ferritin. Testing can be done if necessary.